Tuesday, October 22

Chocolate Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Rich decadent fall cookies that are easy to whip up should be apart of everyone's October. I have a healthy pumpkin recipe on my blog already so I figured I should do something not healthy. Is there a word for that? Oh yeah chocolate. Thankfully pintrest was there to bail me out. I found this excellent recipe there, and changed a few things to emphasize that "pumpkin fall" taste, be a little tiny bit healthier by eliminating half of the oil, and to be sweet & chocolaty. 

Last night we had a few friends over to bbq burgers and watch half of Monday night football together. Sounded like the perfect time for cookies too. My son was so excited to help. Its fun making special food for friends. Heck its fun making special food for football. This is a equal opportunity kitchen serving chocolate on any holiday, event, or emotional whims. (And just incase I really sucked in fantasy football I could have a cookie to help me get over the pain). 

I heart Monday night football. Monday is different because we get to watch as a family (unlike Thursday). After my hubby's been in class gone most of the day its a less likely we'll argue because we miss each other. Truth. I love being married. He loves being married. Life, its just tough sometimes. We are going through stressful stuff just like everyone else. Things like work, medical stuff, college, trying to raise a kid up caring for others and not about material acquisitions and following the Bible, learning (with lots of errors) how to be honest, consistent, humble, loving to family members = all this life stuff requires good chocolate chip cookies. 

Chocolate Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolaty fudge-like goodness. It is your next pumpkin treat. It is not one of those recipes that you add some token pumpkin flavor to, or a tsp of pumpkin puree because of the season or month. Pumpkin really is the star of the show in this cookie :)

1 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of vegetable oil
1/4 cup of unsweetened cinnamon applesauce (used homemade)
1 cup of pumpkin puree
1 egg
1 Tbs vanilla extract
2 cups of whole wheat white flour
1/2 cup of cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp of allspice
1/4 tsp of cloves
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup of chocolate chips
half a bag of mms - I looked for the new pumpkin spice ones but ended up with dark chocolate

Step 1: In a large mixing bowl or a bowl of a mixer cream the brown sugar, veg oil, and applesauce together until homogenous. 

Step 2: Add the pumpkin, egg, vanilla and cream it again. 

Step 3: Sift together the rest of the ingredients except 
chocolate chips and mms. 

Turns out having a dinosaur on the counter  really helps the baking process . 

Step 4: Add the sifted ingredients to the mixing bowl.  Stir slowly until combined. Will be very thick. 

Step 4: Stir the chocolate chips in by hand. Start preheating your oven to 350 degrees.

Step 5: Using a spoon because this dough isn't exactly the hand rolling type form somewhat of a circle shape and drop them on a nonstick and sprayed with nonstick (just incase). Pat them down to flatten them just a little bit. They don't spread out and its easier to fit more mms on the top of something flat. 

Step 6: Press 4-6 mms into each cookie top. 

Step 7: Bake for 8-10 minutes. Cool on the cookie sheet for 4-5 minutes (as they will continue cooking there) then remove for consumption or letting them rest on a cooling rack.  

From my kitchen to yours

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